If you had only the single built-in floppy drive, you would have to constantly swap system disk, MacWrite and data disk. The original version of MacWrite could store up to eight pages, so longer pieces had to be written in sections. Whether you’re old enough to enjoy a wander down memory lane, or want to see what life was like for the Mac pioneers, the emulator is a really fun experience in all its 9-inch black-and-white glory! For me, it was fascinating to re-use the machine I first used to write for the early computer magazines back in 1984. Posted in: News Tagged: CSS3, emulation, lion, OS X Lion. Which emulates Mac OS X Lion's boot, login and desktop screens using only CSS3. OS X Lion Has Just Been Emulated In Your Web Browser Using Only CSS3.
Add this project to a studio you curate (or remove it from a studio) Just click on the button for any of the studios from the list below. OS X Yosemite Simulator on Scratch by PINPAL.